Transportation and Logistics – Helpful Hints For Customers to Get the Most From Their Sales Reps

Transportation And Logistics Helpful Hints For Customers To Get The Most From Their Sales Reps

This article is intended to bridge the gap between sales representatives and customers. 2) To help customers get the best out of their relationship to their Sales representative.

There are many books on sales success. We all know this. The titles of these books are blurred. “How to add value to your customer’s day”, “Sales 101”, and my favorite, “The Richest Man in Babylon”. Our society is heavily oriented towards capitalism. There are many books that can help salespeople improve their skills and increase their income. All one needs to do is go to the nearest bookstore to purchase and then apply. There are many resources that can help a salesperson invest in their success. It is a fact. This article was written in a completely different way by me for several reasons.

As salespeople, we are taught that the customer’s interests are paramount and that we must be responsive to their needs. You might say, “What can you do to win your business?” “Here’s my home phone, cell phone and my wife’s number if you need me.” Although I laugh at this, Salespeople know that it is true. When it comes to competing for business, we tend to go too far with the pleasantries or the “butt-kissing”.

Several of my clients sent me Xmas cards this Christmas. Although they weren’t fancy, you could feel the heartfelt sentiment behind them. I thought to my self, “I would do anything for them because they really appreciate the effort that I put into it.” While we all know it is our job to provide the best service possible to our customers and be responsive to their needs, it is important for customers to recognize our efforts. From over 20 years in the transportation industry, I know that customers who show appreciation and are willingly to work with their Account Executives have a better relationship with vendors. I hope that customers and the people we sell to would pick up this article and use it to improve their business. This is unlikely to happen anytime soon. Customers are generally set in their ways. We, the sales representatives, have spoiled them. For every 100 customers who accept this information, there will also be hundreds that laugh at it. I’ve been in situations where a Carrier was offered the chance to “work with” a customer to resolve a problem, but chose not to – solely because they didn’t like the customer’s attitude. Now, the common reaction from a customer to this is “So what? I’ll just move to another vendor.” Although this may seem true at first, the quality of companies begins to decrease and the customer finds themselves in a deadlock. I’ve listed 7 tips that customers can use to improve their relationship with their sales rep.


This can be used by sales reps to build their businesses. So that you don’t spend too much time thinking about what to say, ask your sales rep to prepare one in advance.


This could work in the same way as testimonials and be very helpful to the sales rep. It can also help them grow their business. Referring a sales rep to a colleague is only an option if they are qualified.

Pay Your Bills

This is obvious. Vendors love when customers pay their bills on-time. This is a sure-fire way to keep vendors happy. Vendors love customers who pay their bills on time. This is not only rare nowadays, but also rare. Customers who pay late or not at all often don’t get the “favors,” that they may need.


This may seem a bit insulting, but honesty is one of the most important things you can do to establish a relationship between vendor and client. If you are honest with your client and don’t have any hidden agendas, the sales rep will be rewarded for their honesty. If you feel the Carrier could be doing better, let the customer know. However, be specific in your criticism. A good Sales Representative will appreciate constructive criticism.

Do Not Always Ask for Favors

Customers are more likely to lose their Carriers’ favors before the relationship truly begins. Keep your favors close to your heart until you need them. Believe me, carriers will make mental notes about these favors and stop when you are most in need. This has happened to me many times throughout my career. Usually, it ends in a nasty breakup.


A customer should expect honesty from his salesperson. However, in return, they should reciprocate. This is a great life lesson. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about business or family.

Consistent behavior

Although I understand that life and business can be difficult, and everyone has their peak points, I have seen customers lash out at their salesperson when they are having a bad day. Avoid using bad language and don’t take your frustrations out on your representative. You can find other outlets for your frustrations like the gym, yoga or reading. But, you must remain bigger and more professional and not succumb to pressures from life, especially towards your Sales Representative.

Earl White is a National Manager at One Stop Logistics, a Third Party Logistics company, based in Watsonville, Ca. His experience in sales spans over 15 years. He works with many sales representatives to help them get better footing in the difficult practice of working with clients. He loves being able pass on the many skills he learned from top salesmen in the industry.

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